
This will build a bundle.js from other js modules. A must for when building nodeJs web applications, use select server side code at the client and the client code at the server, less code to write.

An example quilk.json block

      "name": "Browserify files",
      "module" : "browserify_bundle",
      "browserify_main": "/public/browserify_modules/browserifyMain.js",
      "browserify_bundle_name": "bfyModules",
      "target" : "/public/js/bundle.js"

Example browserify main

"use strict";
module.exports = {
	formValidator	: require('./formValidator'),
	validators		: require( './validators')

The modules using the above kitchen sink json would be accessed in you application like this (the browserify_bundle_name you use is what you call in your application):

var passfail = bfyModules.validators.parse( 'is_max_length:50', 'some input string' );