Installing globally

Installing globally is the easiest way to use quilk:

npm install -g quilk

NB Installing globally on npm 5+:

Since the release of npm 5+ which is installed by default on node 8, the permissions have changed. As such node-sass (a dependency of quilk) cannot be installed globally.

There are two options to fix this issue:

  1. Use NVM. This is by far the best option and recommended, NVM is generally a great tool for managing node versions on your machine and bypassing permission issues.
  2. or Change the location of where npm install global packages See: Although this is advertised by npm, this is not totally reliable and you may run into similar permission issues.

Installing non-globally

You can install quilk locally but you will then need to install it in every project.

npm install --save quilk

To run quilk from a project:

node node_modules/quilk/bin/quilk.js d=john watch